
With puppet theater at school

We present you the project "With puppet theater at school - an interactive online performance for children from Bulgarian schools abroad". It will include a puppet theater in the education of children of Bulgarian communities abroad by inviting puppet actors in class in Bulgarian language and literature for students I-IV class interactive online show "Dvamata startsi i mesechinkata." The tale raises important topics about environmental education and attitudes towards the elderly, the transmission of heritage and building a positive identity of the Bulgarian communities abroad. It will connect art and education to build a positive identity, understanding of [...]

With puppet theater at school2020-12-21T10:27:54+02:00

City and markets

We present opportunities for the development of alternative cultural tourism related to urban markets. In our new project we will talk about the markets in Plovdiv and for the first time we will focus on their cultural heritage and how they can be part of cultural tourism in the city. The markets are an embodiment of the local culture of the people and the city. In their own way, they are living museums that represent the cultural heritage and characteristics of the local communities. They are not only a place for trade and the exchange of goods, but [...]

City and markets2021-01-29T14:29:25+02:00

“Feel the city” workshop in Plovdiv

Youth workshop "Feel the city" provoked the sensory thinking of young people and introduced them to part of the urban cultural heritage of Plovdiv. Младежите научиха как да интерпретират и как да представят значими места и обекти от града. Научиха кои са основните умения за водене на хора със зрителни затруднения. Разбраха как да работят по-добре в екип и как да се забавляват докато творят. Важно за всеки участващ беше етапа от създаването на социално значимо събитие под формата на интерактивна изложба "Без рамки". Заниманията включваха 4 интерпретативни лаборатории: тактилна, обонятелна, аудио-визуална и вербална. АКЕА „Медиатор“ разработва метода [...]

“Feel the city” workshop in Plovdiv2020-11-24T09:33:56+02:00

Conference and sensory exhibition

On October 30, 2018, a conference with international participation on the topic "Sensory ethnography of the city" was held at the University of Plovdiv, which was attended by researchers from Bulgaria and France. Papers with a research approach to the city through the senses and sensory were presented. The event created a space for exchange and dialogue, which outlined possible fields for research and application of sensory ethnography as an approach to the city and its spaces, sensory and sensitivity, subcultural communities, institutions, people with disabilities, everyday life and more. The presented papers will be published in a [...]

Conference and sensory exhibition2020-11-26T21:15:25+02:00

Sensory representation of urban cultural heritage

Sensory representation of urban cultural heritage is a project in which part of the urban cultural heritage of Plovdiv is studied and presented through sensory ethnography. The project includes research, a round table and a new interactive route on the perimeter from Stefan Stambolov Square to Tsar Simeon's Garden. It is implemented from August to October 2018, and its methodology is based on sensory ethnography. Round tabe In October 2018, a public discussion will be held - a round table - on the problems of access for people with visual impairments, which will provide possible solutions for its [...]

Sensory representation of urban cultural heritage2020-11-26T21:14:04+02:00

The neighborhoods of Plovdiv – TOGETHER

Together we present the neighborhoods of Plovdiv! ACEA "Mediator" is a partner in the project "Plovdiv Neighborhoods Together", which is part of the program of Plovdiv - European Capital of Culture 2019. The neighborhoods of the city have their own lives, their memories and images, which often remain unknown to others. The project team carries out ethnographic and visual mapping of Plovdiv, which aims to present the neighborhood heritage and at the same time to trace the life of the Chitalishta and the participation of citizens in the cultural life of the city. The project includes activities [...]

The neighborhoods of Plovdiv – TOGETHER2020-12-12T22:11:42+02:00