
The puppet theater for adults in Plovdiv, and then in other cities.

On March 20 the meeting-talk with Viktor Boychev - director of the State Puppet Theater Plovdiv took place, from whom we learned more about the puppet theater for adults in Plovdiv, as well as in other cities. Разбулихме слуховете, че кукления театър се свързва най-често с представления за деца. Научихме за традициите и развитието му в Пловдив и за изключителните традиции на Държавен куклен театър Пловдив в представянето на куклени представления за младежи и възрастни. Научете повече тук. Video from the meeting-talk ... Виктор Бойчев е актьор, завършил НАТФИЗ “КР.Сарафов” - София, и е директор на [...]

The puppet theater for adults in Plovdiv, and then in other cities.2020-11-17T21:10:35+02:00

Puppetry, waving and searching

На 29 ноември 2018 г. премина Срещата-разговор с актрисата и хореограф Мария Димитрова. Тя ни разказа за творчеството, за измислянето, оживяването, за осъществяването на едни от съвременните продукции на кукления театър като "Дама Пика", „Аз, Сизиф“ и др. Разбрахме защо и с какво е важен синкретизма в кукления театър. Какви са основните принципи на кукловоденето и как кукленото мислене присъства у всеки от нас.

Puppetry, waving and searching2020-11-17T21:02:31+02:00

Conference “Sensory ethnography of the city”

Welcome to the conference "Sensory Ethnography of the City" in the "Compass" hall of the University of Plovdiv "Paisii Hilendarski" on October 30, 2018. Follow the event for the current program. A sensory exhibition resulting from the project of the same name will be opened at the conference. The research approach to the city through the senses leads to a closer look at communication and connections that people performed. The city is not only an architecturally arranged objective space, but can be defined as the experience of its inhabitants. The gathering of scientists to present and discuss topics related to the [...]

Conference “Sensory ethnography of the city”2020-11-24T09:29:50+02:00

Round table “Sensory presentation of urban cultural heritage”

ACEA "Mediator" invites you to a round table on "Sensory presentation of urban cultural heritage" on October 19, 2018. Time: 10:00 - 13:00 Location: Hall "Compass" University of Plovdiv The round table will bring together professionals, researchers and citizens to discuss the role and challenges of presenting urban cultural heritage in a sensory and sensitive way. The needs and shortcomings of such a presentation for people with disabilities will be discussed. The results of a study related to the application of the methods of sensory ethnography in the study of the urban cultural heritage in Plovdiv will be discussed. Ways to [...]

Round table “Sensory presentation of urban cultural heritage”2020-11-26T21:14:54+02:00