
“The Culture together (notes on an opening)”

A meeting-talk with Stoyan Antonov, PhD was held on January 24 2019, in Plovdiv on the topic “The Culture together (notes on an opening)”. You can watch a video from the meeting at Разговорът засегна теми като символиката и значението на празнуването заедно, преживяното и личната гледна точка и представи една възможна социална диагностика на откриващото събитие на Пловдив - Европейска столица на културата 2019. Факт са разнообразни изказвания, мнения и коментари по темата, които разгледахме като анализатори на случващото се. Срещата представи антропологична гледна точка към подобно събитие и как разбираме и възприемаме случващото се [...]

“The Culture together (notes on an opening)”2020-11-17T21:06:37+02:00

The neighborhoods of Plovdiv – TOGETHER

Together we present the neighborhoods of Plovdiv! ACEA "Mediator" is a partner in the project "Plovdiv Neighborhoods Together", which is part of the program of Plovdiv - European Capital of Culture 2019. The neighborhoods of the city have their own lives, their memories and images, which often remain unknown to others. The project team carries out ethnographic and visual mapping of Plovdiv, which aims to present the neighborhood heritage and at the same time to trace the life of the Chitalishta and the participation of citizens in the cultural life of the city. The project includes activities [...]

The neighborhoods of Plovdiv – TOGETHER2020-12-12T22:11:42+02:00