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We tell stories about places, people and practices. We will share with you about some of the markets in Plovdiv as our team felt and understood them.

We will introduce you the first of its kind Urban Market Guide of Plovdiv. What this guide is? To whom it might come in handy? Why and how was it created and whether to use it? We will only suggest that this was part of a several-month field study in which we observed, recorded, mapped and photographed elements of the cultural heritage of the markets.

We present the markets as places, people and practices that are part of the living culture of the city. In their own way, they are living museums that present the cultural heritage and the characteristics of the local communities. They are not only a place for trade and exchange of goods, in fact, but they are also social spaces for socializing and the intersection of different social, cultural, and religious groups.

The event will be online.

You will receive a link to participate after filling in and sending the registration form.

We are grateful for the support of the National Culture Fund, our partners and friends from the “Localfood.bg” Foundation and the Pendara Farmers Market, the Plovdiv Tourism Council, Ariva Travel and the Faculty of Philosophy and History at the University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”.