Social anthropology entered Bulgaria relatively soon, while cultural anthropology (still developing as ethnology) and physical anthropology were studied earlier.
Important for Bulgaria is the development of the so-called anthropology at home, urban anthropology, anthropology of marginal groups and communities, anthropology of migrations, etc. These, of course, are only part of the fields of work of researchers. Important for Bulgaria is the development of the so-called anthropology at home, urban anthropology, anthropology of marginal groups and communities, anthropology of migrations, etc. These, of course, are only part of the fields of work of researchers.
Social and cultural anthropology in Bulgaria are part of the social sciences, while in many Western countries, they belong to the humanities. As bachelor’s programs they can be found in Sofia since 1992, when the Department of Anthropology was established at NBU and in Plovdiv in 2012. The only doctoral program in Social Anthropology was established at Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski” in 2014. It is this program that the founders of ACEA “Mediator” complete, which makes the association the only one of its kind in Bulgaria, established by doctors of social anthropology.
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